A1CE Application Bug Bounty

Report bugs and issues in the A1CE program

Compete for a bug bounty grand prize of 5,000 baht

Contest duration: 25 October through 31 December 2022

If you find what you think is a bug in A1CE, send an email to Dr. Sally (sally@cmkl.ac.th) with the following information:

-- Description of the problem

-- Date and time you observed the problem

-- Does the problem happen all the time or only in specific situations?

-- If only in specific situations, what are they?

-- Attach screen captures showing the bug if you can.

Verified bugs will be weighted according to their importance (1 = minor or cosmetic, 2 = serious, 3 = very serious).

The person with the highest bug reporting score (sum of verified bugs times weight) at the end of the year will receive a bug bounty of 5,000 baht.

The two runners up will receive "Certified Bug Hunter" medals.

If you have questions, contact Dr. Sally.

Register nowcontact usWATCH here
