Creative Brief

The newly designed CMKL University mascot will unify and embody our school's mission and vision (read more here) with the color scheme of our university (download here). It will also integrate into the university's brand, helping define and identify our institution for internal and external communities. The mascot will be displayed in university publications, advertisements, websites, clothing, facilities, and more.

The Mascot Design Committee has given the designers consent to define the CMKL University mascot's personality, for example, knowledge seeking, bright, originality, friendly, innovative etc.

Submission Guidelines

1. Anyone who is interested in the mascot design contest is allowed to submit their design.

2. Multiple submissions are allowed, but each design must be submitted individually.

3. Remember that this is a competition to design a mascot, not a logo, so it needs to be an image that can be animated.

4. The submission deadline is March 22, 2023.

5. All design entries must be submitted electronically via the Mascot Design Competition form. A category on the form will allow you to upload your design and fill in your information. Once the submission is complete, you will receive a confirmation email. For questions, please contact the administration office at 065-878-5000.

6. There must be a minimum 100-word description of each of the following details:

  • Mascot personalities
  • The meaning behind your mascot, and why you created this design
  • What inspired you to create this design

7. All mascot designs must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Submit in .ai, jpg, and png format.
  • Develop and submit a graphic representation of CMKL’s communities. 
  • Utilize CMKL University's colors (download here) and CMKL’s mission and vision (read more here). We encourage you to express your creativity and imagination to the fullest extent possible. Good luck!


By submitting a design/artwork to this design contest, the entrant/competitor/applicant warrants and represents that the design/artwork submitted is original and does not infringe on any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights of any third party and you have an exclusive and perpetual right to all intellectual property rights in the work.  The entrant/competitor/applicant/ you also agree to transfer all rights, title, and interest in and to the design, including copyrights, to CMKL University upon submission and agree to waive any rights you may have against CMKL. CMKL shall have the right to use, reproduce, modify, publish, and display the design/artwork in any manner without further compensation or notice to the entrant/competitor/applicant. 

Winner Prize

The winning design will be proudly displayed throughout CMKL University's social media pages. In addition, a monetary award of 10,000 Thai baht would be given to the winner. The final winner will be announced by April 4, 2023, via our Facebook page.

Please be advised that the organizing committee reserves the right to modify the criteria and processes of the mascot design contest at any time without prior notification. In the event of any disputes, conflicts or concerns regarding this contest, the organizing committee shall have the sole discretion to make a final and binding decision/resolution/verdict. 

If there is no qualified artwork/content/design, CMKL University reserves the right not to award monetary fees. The CMKL University's decision on the selection of winners will be final and non-appealable. The winner will be the entrant whose design is chosen as the winning entry.

The decision/resolution/verdict reached by the organizing committee will be considered final, conclusive and unappealable.

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