Designing Roadmap At AiCE program

October 4, 2024
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Designing Roadmap At AiCE program

Going to college often means embracing greater freedom and independence in student’s studies, typically moving away from the spoon-fed learning methods one tends to experience in high school. At CMKL, our AiCE program is based on these principles. What distinguishes our program from traditional university curricula is the broad spectrum of choice and freedom we offer our students to design their learning pathways.

While this may seem overwhelming to students fresh out of high school—who may not yet know their aspirations or career paths—the structure of our program is designed to guide rather than confine. We firmly believe that college serves as a semi-real-world environment where students face real consequences and responsibilities. However, when students design their study roadmap, they are not without support; our faculty members,academic coordinators, and staff are always on hand to ensure that each student's choices align with their career aspirations and goals.

Here’s how we approach this:

1. Recommended Roadmaps: For newcomers, designing a roadmap can be daunting if not down right anxiety inducing. Thus, we provide recommended roadmaps that outline required and elective competencies we deem crucial and foundational for freshmen. Students can tailor these roadmaps to their learning preferences by adding or postponing competencies to future semesters— taking charge of their learning while being responsible for their decisions. Typically, we advise students to follow the recommended roadmap for the first few semesters until they feel ready to adjust their plans based on their growing interests and goals.

2. Academic Guidance: Each student is paired with an academic advisor for personalized guidance. This allows students to seek advice, receive assistance in designing their roadmap, or simply just discuss about their future pathways. Additionally,semi-annual meetings with academic coordinators are conducted to further refine students' roadmaps in accordance to their goals — be it aiming for a career in a top tech company, spending a semester abroad, or preparing for graduate school. These sessions help design or fine-tune students ‘roadmaps and explore new academic domains if students are unsure of their path.

3. Junior Track: By their junior year, most students have a clearer idea of their aspirations. We offer various mini-tracks like Cybersecurity, AI Core, Entrepreneurship, Software Engineering, and Game Design, each with     tailored recommended roadmaps. During their junior semi — annual meetings,  academic coordinators will help students select or combine tracks to best meet their goals.

While our program offers considerable freedom, it also comes with responsibility. The process of choosing one’s path can be overwhelming initially, but with guidance and time, students typically find that making these decisions becomes more intuitive. We aim to prepare students for the real world, where choices and consequences are part of everyday life. For those who prefer a more structured, traditional approach to education — where decisions are largely made by faculty — our flexible program might initially seem challenging. However, it’s designed to foster independence and self-direction, which we believe are the qualities essential for personal and professional success.

Interested in learning more? Join us at our upcoming open house event! It’s a fantastic opportunity to learn more our program, have a chit chat with faculty members, and explore the work of our students. Additionally, you’ll discover more about Thailand’s only supercomputer, APEX, which exists only at our university. We are looking forward to welcoming you.

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