Undeniably, technological advancement has revolutionized the world so rapidly to the point where all business industries have experienced a digital transformation in almost every function of the business. Various business functions are looking for ways to utilize the many benefits from technological advancement to reform the work's efficiency and effectiveness to compete with competitors. Consequently, the need for technological improvements is about to open doors to enormous opportunities for Electrical & Computer Engineering graduates worldwide.
As we all know how essential data is to a company in gaining insights for further business competition, Electrical & Computer Engineering graduates will be playing an indispensable role in assisting and transforming how these billion-dollar firms collect information. Companies worldwide use these data as their compasses in directing and helping the management team make essential choices, cope with tough external challenges, or even understand their customers better from their behavior. Without the insights gained from effective data collection, the company might despairingly come to a halt.
Therefore, it is no doubt the destination of these graduates is undoubtedly bright and sunny due to the high demand from multi-billion dollar companies and other big companies around the world. According to our statistics, in 2020, approximately 86% of ECE graduates go directly to employment with big reputable firms such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft. Some graduates are also aiming to further their expertise Doctoral Degrees in their desired field. ECE graduates also earn approximately US$122,418 on average, in addition to access to a variety of welfare and employee benefits.
In addition to the favorable external opportunities, our provided ECE program and its faculty member at CMKL is an accurate replica of the ECE Masters of Science at Carnegie Mellon University, which has successfully led countless graduates to their desired career destination in the past. Our students will be gaining insights from the same qualified faculty members from classes and hands-on experience formulated for industrial expertise. Furthermore, the dual degree program will grant you 2 degrees, one from Carnegie Mellon University and one from CMKL University, making you one of the most attractive job market candidates available. In no time, CMKL will allow you to stand in the front row at the gates of the company you've always desired.