Accelerate Your Development of Competence
Through A Personalized Learning
A task that measures your knowledge through industry-driven practical application in real world context.
Chunking course content into modules, breaking down the course content into smaller, more manageable pieces. A flexible way of learning. More personalized.
Knowledge, skills and dispositions that students are expected to gain from a bite sized learning module. To move on, students must demonstrate mastery of a those skills.
The elements in an on-going assessment that students' mastery of competencies will be evaluated on throughout their journey.
Students are evaluated based on how well they demonstrate each of the criteria of task assigned.
A personalized dashboard that shows students their academic progress on each competency. This helps to identify strengths and areas that needs more focus.
Mentors select the next task for the learner or to give a challenge in areas not yet mastered, and practice in areas that seem well understood.
It creates learning partnerships, promotes collegiality and develops a sense of mutual accountability among the students. Learn from each others.